Thursday, April 16, 2009

Does getting your wisdom teeth pulled out hurt?

I am getting my wisdom teeth pulled out soon. They are pointing towards my other teeth and aren%26#039;t out of my gums yet. The dentist said they are going to have to dig in to pull them out, and after there would be a big hole in my jaw bone, so they have to fill it with bone marrow. I have a couple of questions.......

1. What do they give you to numb the pain? (I am going to be awake.)

2. How long is the procedure?

3. What does it feel like when they are pulling out the teeth?

4. What can I eat afterwards?

5. How long does it take to heal?

Does getting your wisdom teeth pulled out hurt?
Getting wisdom teeth out just depends on the person and the doctor...

When my sister got hers pulled, they came RIGHT out and she couldnt believe it was over so fast.

But dad had to get STITCHES after he got his pulled...

Sometimes they have to cut the teeth out.

Sometimes they just come out with a pull...

It can take awhile, or it can be done pretty fast.
Reply:I only had one pulled because mine came in fine. They numbed me up with novicane. Then he just pulled it. Dentist made sure I was completely numb before starting the procedure. He then pulled the one tooth. I did not feel anything. I could feel his hand hitting my mouth a little but that did not hurt. He then put gauze in my mouth and you have to keep that in your mouth for like a day. DO NOT take gauze out early. I did that and a bunch of blood came spewing out. Remember to eat a lot before going to dentist because I could not really eat with gauze in my mouth. I started to get weak after a day of not eating. After first day you will be fine.
Reply:When I had mine pulled, they gave me two valium an hour before the procedure. They shot me up with nova-cane, 4 shots in each tooth. Each tooth lasted only a minute or two each.

Its weird, because they are yanking and pulling. You can kinda feel it when they pull it out, you don%26#039;t feel the pain, you just feel a relief of pressure. Also, you can feel the resistance when they pull, and the relief when the tooth is out.

As far as eating, you aren%26#039;t going to eat much afterwards. When I was done, I got home, and I was knocked out for about 16 to 18 hours. When I got up, I ate soup, and soft foods for the first day or two. After that, I was ok to eat whatever.

Healing for me didn%26#039;t seem to take long. When you eat, you just have to make sure you rinse out the socket. If you don%26#039;t, it might not heal, and if it does, you will have problems, because the food will rot in the socket, and you will have really foul breath.
Reply:Maybe you should have an other conversation with your dentist.

They do not fill the holes with bone marrow . Do talk to your dentist or somebody who has wisdom teeth pulled.
Reply:Hi, Im a dental asst. for 8 years. You will have some septocaine that will numb you, will also use gas (you will be up). What you will feel and hear is pressure and you will hear cracking noise that is from breaking of the ligament that hold your tooth in place. They are very fast take them 2-5 mins a tooth. You will need to have ice package or frozen veg. for face. Soft foods to eat. You will not beable to go to work for 24 hours.
Reply:They gave me Novicane and some other drug that was injected into the roof of my mouth I had 3 wisdom pulled 3 weeks ago and one was inpacted (grew sideways) I had the option have Nitrous but i opted out, my insurance wouldn%26#039;t cover it. It doesn%26#039;t take long to actually pull out the teeth. I think mine were done in less than 10 min seriously. I didnt feel any pain at all during all this. Completly Numb. I actually ate something light about an hour later cause I was still numb and wanted to avoid a painful dinner. I am not gonna lie it is defintley sore the next day. And was a little uncomfortable. Take the next day off work. Maybe 2 days. And hope to god the Dentist at least gives you 20Ct of Vicodin and Some 800MG Ibuprofen. those worked wonders for me. Helped alot when i had to go back to work. The Holes take a while to close up. i still got mine and can%26#039;t get my toungue away from them, feels weird. I got some stitches too. Oh and make sure you put bed sheets that are old on your bed since you will be bleeding for 2 days a little here and there. Hope this helps.


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